The famous sunny city of Daytona Beach is in Florida’s Volusia County, approximately an hour’s drive northeast of Orlando and 90 minutes south of the state capital, Jacksonville. U.S. Census data reports Daytona Beach’s population as 72,647, with a higher-than-average percentage of seniors at 20.1%.
Daytona Beach is cheaper than most places in Florida, with an overall cost of living that’s 17% below the state average and 14% below the U.S. average. Housing costs, in particular, are 36% below the national average, making the city a compelling option for seniors who wish to age in place. Florida also has no state-level income tax, and residents over 65 are eligible for significant property tax breaks. Daytona Beach is excellent if you prefer to avoid cold weather; average winter lows hover around 50, with highs regularly in the 70s.
Two local hospitals are available for residents. U.S. News and World Report ranks AdventHealth Daytona Beach as the best in the region and among the top 20 hospitals in the state, winning recognition for its heart attack, hip fracture and stroke care. Daytona Beach is also home to Halifax Health Medical Center, reported as high-performing in treating heart attacks and heart failure.
Both in-home care and home health care cost an average of $4,576 a month in Daytona Beach, according to annual data from the 2021 Genworth Financial Cost of Care Survey. These services differ in that home health care provides more medical support than in-home care, which focuses on housekeeping, food preparation and companionship. In some markets, that makes home health care slightly pricier.
The aforementioned price assumes you’ll be hiring help for 44 hours a week, so your costs may be higher or lower if you need round-the-clock care or more sporadic assistance on evenings and weekends. Home care’s hourly rate of $24 may help you estimate your likely costs more precisely.
Daytona Beach’s monthly cost for home care is roughly $200 cheaper than the Florida average of $4,767. It’s also approximately $500 cheaper than U.S. averages, which are $4,957 monthly for in-home care and $5,148 monthly for home health care. Florida’s prices go highest in Naples, where residents pay $5,720 monthly for in-home care and $5,577 monthly for home health care. Tallahassee residents pay $4,814 for either type of care. In Miami, seniors pay $4,195 for home care and $4,385 for home health care.
A few other long-term care options exist for Daytona Beach seniors. A semiprivate room in a nursing home provides a significant level of medical support for $8,213 a month, but choosing to reside in an assisted living community is thousands of dollars cheaper at $3,975 monthly. Adult day care is an even less expensive option at $1,625, but its level of personalized care is the lowest of the available choices, and it’s often not a viable option for mostly homebound seniors.
Remember that there’s not necessarily a right or wrong choice – it comes down to choosing a provider that you feel comfortable with and who’s capable of meeting your specific needs. No matter which provider you choose, you should always have a formal arrangement with your expectations and the payment rate in writing. Doing so will prevent confusion or potential disagreements down the line so that the focus remains on helping the person receiving care.
What You Should Know
This organization offers pro bono legal services to low-income and underserved Central Florida residents. Its areas of elder law practice include drafting advance directives, wills and transferring powers of attorney. CLSMF’s lawyers can also help you with housing issues, such as battling eviction or foreclosure notices, as well as with accessing public benefits such as Social Security and SNAP.
Who Is Eligible?
CLSMF’s legal aid is completely free for those who qualify. The legal problem for which you’re seeking aid must have occurred in Volusia County or one of a few other Central Florida counties: Sumter, Putnam, Seminole, Brevard, Citrus, Flagler, Hernando, Orange, Marion, Lake or Osceola.
In some cases, you must also financially qualify for aid. CLSMF serves people whose income is no more than 125% of federal poverty guidelines, but for certain cases involving seniors, it waives the income restriction. If your issue concerns mortgage foreclosure, the income restriction may not apply.
How to Get Started
Call the CLSMF Helpline at (800) 405-1417 during regular weekday working hours. You may also apply online via the CLSMF intake form.
What You Should Know
Based in Tallahassee, this community nonprofit lends medical and assistive devices to older adults and disabled people throughout the state. You can request mobility such as walkers and wheelchairs, as well as hearing aids, input devices that can make it easier to use a computer and even robotic feeders. You can have the equipment mailed to you for a two-to-six-week test period; FAAST can loan some of its equipment with no end date. If you can make it to one of FAAST’s 12 demonstration centers in the state, volunteers can give you a close-up view of how some of the equipment works.
FAAST’s New Horizon loan program helps Floridians pay for the outright purchase of some devices. You can use the money from this loan for home safety upgrades such as grab bars in bathrooms and entry ramps for wheelchairs. Generally, the program caps loans at $25,000, but in certain circumstances, you may be able to get up to $40,000. The New Horizons program is built with the financial constraints of fixed-income seniors in mind.
Who Is Eligible?
All Florida residents who have any sort of disability qualify for help from FAAST, and all of its services are free.
How to Get Started
Contact FAAST’s state offices at (844) 353-2278. The nearest Regional Demonstration Center to Dayton Beach is located in Orlando’s University of Central Florida. Call the center at (407) 823-4876, stop by at 3280 Progress Drive, Suite 250, or email [email protected].
What You Should Know
This state-sponsored program can provide you with up to $3,500 in assistance for paying your heating and cooling expenses.
Who Is Eligible?
As long as there’s one member of your household who is 60 years or older and can complete the application, you qualify for assistance. You’ll need some evidence that you’re facing an energy emergency, such as a disconnection notice or a past due notice. Note that funds must go to gas or propane that you use to heat the home; the program doesn’t assist with propane intended for cooking.
How to Get Started
Apply via the online form or set up an interview by calling a case worker at (386) 239-7757.
What You Should Know
Meals on Wheels delivers hot food directly to the doors of low-income Florida residents. Trained volunteers deliver meals and also provide wellness checks during their visits. This service can be a useful social connection for homebound and otherwise isolated seniors. You may set up Meals on Wheels services for your pets as well, as MoW volunteers can deliver pet food and treats to animal owners. The service is free for low-income seniors.
Who Is Eligible?
The service is free for low-income seniors in Volusia County.
How to Get Started
Call the Council on Aging of Volusia County at (386) 253-4700, extension 225, or email [email protected].
What You Should Know
All Florida homeowners qualify for a homestead exemption of $25,000, which they can use to lower the taxable value of their property by that amount. Daytona Beach adults age 65 and up qualify for an extra $50,000 exemption, reducing the taxable value of their primary residence by $75,000.
Who Is Eligible?
As long as you’re 65 years of age or older, reside on the property for which you want to claim the exemption and have age and income documentation, you qualify for the extra $50,000 in property tax relief.
How to Get Started
Call the Volusia County Property Appraiser’s office at (386) 736-5901 or apply online.