Kennewick is a desirable city in southeastern Washington with 84,000 residents and a senior community that makes up 15% of the population. Its location on the southwest bank of the Columbia River offers beautiful views and access to numerous parks, while comfortable year-round weather provides plenty of opportunities for relaxing outdoors. The local violent crime rate is low compared to national norms, and property crime has been trending downward for decades, making the city an attractive option for those who live alone. Several high-performing major medical facilities are located near the city, including Lourdes Medical Center in Pasco and Kadlec Regional Medical Center in Richland. Health care costs come in 20% below the national average.
Despite its amenities, Kennewick is among the most affordable places to live in Washington. Its overall cost of living comes in near the national average and over 20 percentage points lower than the state norm on a 100-point index. The state doesn’t impose an income tax, which may help you remain comfortable on a fixed income throughout retirement. These factors may make Kennewick a good option for older adults seeking home care services.
The Genworth 2021 Cost of Care Survey shows that Kennewick agencies charge $6,197 per month for home care, which includes nonmedical companionship and supportive services, and home health care, which includes skilled nursing services. Hourly, this breaks down to a rate of $32.50, assuming 44 hours of care per week. You may pay less if you obtain care from local nonprofits that provide federally subsidized services or if you rely primarily on family caregivers. On the other hand, your monthly rate may be higher if you need care outside normal weekday hours.
In Kennewick, you can expect to pay about $6,197 monthly whether you need home care or home health care. While this is quite a bit higher than the national norms of $4,957 for home care and $5,148 for home health care, it’s a little lower than the respective state averages of $6,547 and $6,578. Local rates are consistent with costs in Walla Walla, where agencies charge $6,149, and a couple of hundred dollars more than Yakima’s $5,958 average. In Seattle, costs are considerably higher at $6,769.
Home-based care is a relatively expensive long-term care option in Kennewick with seniors paying $6,197 monthly for basic home care and skilled home health care services. You may save about $1,000 per month plus the cost of living expenses by moving into assisted living. If you want to remain in your own home and save money on care, you may be a good candidate for adult day care, which features services in a community setting for $1,749 monthly. Home care is affordable when compared to nursing home care, which starts at $9,581 monthly for semiprivate accommodations.
Finding a home care provider for yourself or a loved one can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Below, we explain the process of how to find a home care provider in 5 simple steps. Use the infographic below to help guide your search for in-home care in Kennewick, WA.
What You Should Know
Senior Life Resources Northwest is a regional nonprofit organization that provides services and supports to help you remain at home. It offers professional home care services from licensed, trained, supervised and bonded caregivers, and it can give you information and referrals on other services and programs available in the community. It operates the local Meals on Wheels program that provides home-delivered meals to qualifying individuals. Congregate meals are served daily at the local senior center.
Who Is Eligible?
You may be eligible for services through this organization if you’re at least 60 years old and meet criteria related to income and functional needs.
How to Get Started
You can call the main office at (509) 735-1911 to learn more about in-home services and the Meals on Wheels program. For information on congregate meals at the Kennewick Senior Center, call (509) 585-4241.
What You Should Know
Southeast Washington Aging and Long Term Care provides a broad range of supportive services to older adults in Kennewick and the surrounding region, including help finding services that allow you to remain in your own home. This nonprofit organization is staffed by trained advisers who listen to your needs and provide referrals to community-based programs that offer home-delivered and congregate meals, transportation, case management and wellness services. The agency administers the state’s Caregiver Support Services program, which provides support and assistance to family caregivers, and its benefits counselors can help you find state and federal veterans and public benefits that may help you fund in-home care.
Who Is Eligible?
Information and referrals through the Area Agency on Aging are available to everyone in the Kennewick region aged 60 and over. The agency may direct you toward community-based programs that have additional eligibility requirements related to your income or functional abilities.
How to Get Started
To get in touch with your local Area Agency on Aging, you can call the Benton County office at (509) 735-0315 or toll-free at (866) 720-2582. The office is open on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can also email [email protected].
What You Should Know
Home & Community Services is a division of the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services. It provides an array of programs and services to help older adults remain independent at home. Through this program, you can obtain housing assistance, transportation, health and wellness services and financial or legal counseling. The organization administers supplemental food programs for you and your pet as well as grocery shopping assistance and home-delivered meals. It also investigates reports of suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation of vulnerable adults.
Who Is Eligible?
To be eligible for services, you must be at least 60 years old and a resident of Washington. Some programs have additional eligibility requirements related to your income or health status.
How to Get Started
You can learn more about the resources available through Home & Community Services by calling the Kennewick office at (509) 374-2100 or toll-free at (800) 310-4833. The office is open on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
What You Should Know
This local Community Action Committee provides a range of services to Kennewick residents to help you remain safe and comfortable at home. Through this nonprofit organization, you can obtain services from federal programs, such as Weatherization Assistance, Housing Emergency Assistance and Energy & Residential Water Assistance. These services may provide you with the financial support that you need to remain in your own home.
Who Is Eligible?
The programs offered through the Community Action Committee are available to those with limited resources who may be vulnerable to housing or food insecurity or disruptions in their utility services. Eligibility criteria may vary across programs, but in general, you must meet income limits.
How to Get Started
You can call the organization’s administrative office at (509) 545-4042 to learn more about the programs and services available. The office is open on weekdays from 8 -11:30 a.m. and from 1-4 p.m. You can also submit an email via the online contact form or send your questions to [email protected].
What You Should Know
Older adults in Kennewick and other parts of Benton County may be able to save money on their property taxes through the Senior Citizens and Disabled Person Tax Relief program. Through this program, you can defer your property taxes until the home is no longer in your possession. The amount you defer accrues 5% simple interest until the loan is repaid, which must happen when the home is sold, the applicant passes away or the house is no longer used as your primary residence.
Who Is Eligible?
You may be eligible for this program if you’re at least 60 years old as of December 31 on the year you file. If you’re at least 57 years old and you’re the surviving spouse of someone who qualified for the exemption at the time of their death, you may also be eligible.
How to Get Started
To get more information about the property tax relief program for seniors, you can call the Benton County Assessor’s Office at (509) 786-2046 or (509) 736-3088. The office is open on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.